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NSW education preparing for potential data compromise following hack

The NSW Department of Education is preparing for the potential that data was compromised following a cyber attack earlier in the month, media outlets have reported.

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Mon, 02 Aug 2021
NSW education preparing for potential data compromise following hack
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Earlier this month, the NSW Department of Education was the target of a cyber security breach which resulted in the Department preventatively shutting down several computer systems to mitigate the risk of contagion.

Georgina Harrisson, NSW Education secretary, outlined that the department moved quickly to mitigate the spread when a breach was detected.

"The timing of this creates considerable challenges for staff as we prepare for the start of Term Three," Harrisson said.


"Thankfully, our teams have been able to isolate the issues and we are working to reactivate services as soon as possible.

“I am confident we will have the issue resolved soon and want to reassure teachers and parents that there will be no impact on students learning from home next week.

“Whilst we are confident all systems will be back online before day one of term three, we are making information to support home learning available on our public website so that preparations for the start of term can continue.”

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the Department may nevertheless have been compromised during the attack.

“While the investigation is ongoing, preliminary findings have indicated that some information including contact information may have been compromised,” Harrisson said.

“The Department is now undertaking a forensic analysis in order to fully assess the risk and will communicate further information as it is known.”

The potential breach happened as schools were preparing to return for Term Three amid the Sydney-wide lockdown.

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