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Russian hacker opens bidding on 18,000 lines of Australian bank account details

Bank details up for auction include account numbers, BSBs, and a long list of employment data.

user icon David Hollingworth
Thu, 30 May 2024
Russian hacker opens bidding on 18,000 lines of Australian bank account details
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A large amount of Australian bank account and employment details is currently being auctioned off on a Russian language hacking forum.

The post was made overnight on 29 May by a user called “litem” and is largely in Russian, except for the data on offer, which appears quite extensive.

“AU Fullz + DL + AN/RN 18k lines,” the post is headed, referring to full details, driver’s licence numbers, account and bank routing numbers, and the amount of data – 18,000 lines.


The body of the post simply lists the data available in the leak, which appears to be in two documents. One features names, addresses, driver’s licences, landline and mobile numbers, emails, employer and occupation details, as well as bank account numbers and BSBs.

The second set of data appears to be mostly employment-related or real estate-related and lists length at residence, employer address, work phone numbers, employment verification number, monthly income, length of employment, months with bank, email details, and “secrets” – whatever that might be.

Taken together, it appears to be rental application data, though without a sample of the data, it is impossible to confirm.

“Not used, One-stop sale,” the post concluded (translated using Google Translate). “For suggestions also in PM.”

After that comes the details of the auction, which lists three values:

Start - 9k
Step - 500$
Blitz - 20k

This is the hacking forum’s shorthand for the rules of the auction. Bidding starts at US$9,000, and each bid must match the current bid plus US$500. Alternatively, someone can buy the lot outright for US$20,000.

The source of the data has not been named.

David Hollingworth

David Hollingworth

David Hollingworth has been writing about technology for over 20 years, and has worked for a range of print and online titles in his career. He is enjoying getting to grips with cyber security, especially when it lets him talk about Lego.

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