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2024 Schedule and agenda

8:30am - 9:15am

Registration & exhibition open

9:15am - 9:25am

Welcome from Master of Ceremonies

Bastien Treptel
Bastien Treptel
CTRL Group
9:25am - 9:30am

Welcome from Cyber Daily

9:30am - 9:40am

Welcome & industry overview from Palo Alto Networks

Cindy Dickson
Cindy Dickson
District Sales Manager Federal Government & Defence
Palo Alto Networks
9:45am - 10:15am

Unmasking cybercrime, the law enforcement response

AFP Acting Assistant Commissioner Chris Goldsmid will deliver a presentation to the Australian Cyber Security Summit 2024 on the cybercrime threat and the work law enforcement is doing to counter cybercriminals. The presentation will take attendees through the latest information on the cybercrime threat environment and ecosystem, the role of law enforcement in responding to cybercrime and major cyber incidents, as well as a case study into the takedown of international cybercrime syndicates.

Commander Chris Goldsmid
Commander Chris Goldsmid
Acting Assistant Commissioner
Cybercrime Operations, Australian Federal Police
10:20am - 10:45am

Outsmarting the Hackers - Unraveling Today’s Threats for a Secure Tomorrow

Luisa Genovese
Luisa Genovese
Consulting Director
Unit 42, Japan & Asia Pacific at Palo Alto Networks
10:45am - 11:15am

Morning networking break

Business stream

11:15am - 11:30am

Navigating Data Governance: Strategies for Effective Data Management and Minimisation

Deepa Thakkar
Deepa Thakkar
Senior Manager in the Clayton Utz Forensic and Technology Segment
Clayton UTZ

11:35am - 12:10pm

Panel: How to prepare your business for the aftermath of a cyber security incident

Cyber security incidents are becoming increasingly prevalent, and no organisation is immune to the potential consequences. To navigate the turbulent waters of a post-incident landscape, businesses need to be proactive in their preparation.

This session will explore essential strategies, recovery plans, and best practices for organisations seeking to emerge stronger after a cyber security incident.

Learn from these industry experts as they share their insights, and gain valuable guidance on how to protect your business and its reputation.

They will discuss:

  • Creating a robust incident response plan
  • Legal and regulatory considerations after a breach
  • Communicating with stakeholders and the public and holding brand identity Navigating the intricacies of cyber insurance
  • Lessons learned from successful incident recoveries

David Hollingworth
David Hollingworth
Senior Journalist
Cyber Daily
Annie Haggar
Annie Haggar
Cyber GC
Helen Texeira
Helen Texeira
Consulting Director
Unit 42 at Palo Alto Networks
Andreas Ostenfeldt
Andreas Ostenfeldt
FTS Director
Clayton Utz

12:15pm - 12:40pm

Address from Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology for the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Brendan Dowling
Brendan Dowling
Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology

12:45pm - 1:05pm

Cyber Capital: the ACT’s role at the centre of digital security

Minister Steel will outline the ACT’s role in digital security, including the ACT’s Government’s cyber workforce, promoting and encouraging our strong cyber security industry around the seat of government and investing in the skills and training to support a cyber-resilient Australia.

Minister Chris Steel
Minister Chris Steel
ACT Minister for Skills and Training and the ACT Special Minister of State with responsibility for cyber security

1:10pm - 1:20pm

Data Vulnerabilities in the Australian Healthcare Industry

Join this session as we present the latest cyber security research into the Australian Healthcare industry. The research provides the insights from over 1000 Australian consumers. Attendees will hear from Peter Maloney, CEO of AUCloud, as he delivers the key findings and insights into how resilient the Australian healthcare sector is when it comes to cyber security risks.

This session is a valuable opportunity for all attendees to learn about best practices for managing cyber risks and to stay informed about the latest cyber security trends in the Australian Healthcare industry.

Peter Maloney
Peter Maloney
Managing Director & CEO

1:20pm - 2:20pm

Stream close - Lunch & networking break

Technical stream

11:15am - 11:30am

Vulnerability Spotlight: Key Industries at Risk

Cyber security threats are a significant concern for all sectors, but some industries are more frequently targeted due to the nature of the data they handle, their critical role in infrastructure, or the financial gains attackers can derive from breaches. Attendees will hear from Rafe Berding, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of AUCloud, who will identify the most vulnerable industries, explore the 'why' behind attack and offer guidance on defensive measures for mitigating risks within these sectors.

Rafe Berding
Rafe Berding
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

11:35pm - 11:45pm

Industry Spotlight Session - Mercury Information Security Services

11:50pm - 12:15pm

Misinformation and the risk to Australia's democracy

While the internet age has enabled Australians to access a world of knowledge at their fingertips, it has also facilitated the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation. Whether deliberately spread by state actors, or negligently dispersed through social media algorithms, political discourse is facing increasing polarisation.

In this panel, our expects will discuss:

  • How threat actors use traditional and social media to proliferate harmful narratives;
  • What these narratives mean for democracy and political discourse;
  • Just how can the Australian government, in concert with its allies, build a policy structure to push back against the malicious use of information.

Meg Tapia
Meg Tapia
Managing Director
Dr. Sascha Dov Bachmann
Dr. Sascha Dov Bachmann
Professor in Law
Canberra Law School - University of Canberra
Major General (Ret’d) Dr Marcus Thompson AM
Major General (Ret’d) Dr Marcus Thompson AM
Cyber Compass Pty Ltd

12:20pm - 12:55pm

Panel: An in-depth examination of the latest malware strains and emerging threat vectors

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the tactics and technologies employed by malicious actors. Understanding the latest malware strains and emerging threat vectors is paramount for organisations and cyber security professionals.

This esteemed session offers an in-depth exploration of the ever-changing world of cyber threats, with a focus on dissecting the newest malware strains and identifying the emerging threat vectors. Join us to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries.

Our panellists will discuss:

  • Emerging threat vectors such as supply chain attacks, zero-day vulnerabilities, and advanced persistent threats (APTs)
  • Strategies for early detection and prevention
  • What is really unique about the code
  • The role of threat intelligence sharing and collaboration
  • How are threat actors bypassing malware injections to gain access to networks
  • Case studies of recent, high-profile attacks

Liam Garman
Liam Garman
Managing Editor
Defence & Aerospace, Momentum Media
Ashwin Ram
Ashwin Ram
Cyber Security Evangelist
Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Check Point Software Technologies
Corien Vermaak
Corien Vermaak
Director of Cybersecurity
Cisco Australia & New Zealand
Thom Taylor
Thom Taylor
Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst
Unit 42, Palo Alto Networks

1:00pm - 1:10pm

Office macro security: The risks of allowing / blocking / manually assessing Office macros and a game-changing new approach - Macrosine

Sam Brazier-Hollins is the Head of Technical Consulting at Fujitsu Cyber Security Services, where he leads a dynamic team of cyber professionals dedicated to delivering secure yet user-friendly solutions, with a particular emphasis on M365 and Azure services. As one of the original authors of the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Protected Utility Blueprint for Microsoft 365 (M365), Sam brings unparalleled expertise in deploying and auditing M365 services across Federal and State governments, Critical Infrastructure, and private industry.

Sam’s unique blend of technical acumen, practical experience, and leadership skills makes him the ideal leader for a team passionate about making customers' lives easier. He ensures the solutions delivered are sustainable, empowering customers in their roles and future cybersecurity strategies. A strong advocate for diversity and inclusion, Sam supports numerous women in IT initiatives and is a regular contributor and speaker at cyber summits, conferences, and exhibitions. His engaging, practical, and educational talks inspire and empower audiences to achieve success in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.

Sam Brazier-Hollins
Sam Brazier-Hollins
Head of Technical Consulting
Fujistu Cyber Security Services’

1:10pm - 1:55pm

Stream close - Lunch & networking break

2:25pm - 2:35pm

National Cyber Security Coordinator Virtual Address

2:35pm - 3:05pm

Panel: Protecting Australia's critical infrastructure

The convergence of IT and the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionised critical infrastructure, making it more connected and efficient than ever. However, this increased connectivity has created avenues for threat actors to exploit hardware vulnerabilities and target critical infrastructure including energy, transportation, water, healthcare, resources and communications systems.

This session will provide an in-depth examination of how businesses can understand the current and emerging threats to operational technology (OT), and build frameworks to future-proof their IT and OT systems.

Join our panellists as they explore the challenges and opportunities this evolving landscape presents, including:

  • Understanding how threat actors are targeting OT systems
  • Gaining insights into building tailor-made cyber security strategies for OT and IT systems
  • Implementing risk mitigation techniques to protect valuable hardware
  • Ensuring your business can continue operating in the event of an OT attack

Liam Garman
Liam Garman
Managing Editor
Defence & Aerospace, Momentum Media
Chirag Joshi
Chirag Joshi
Founder and CISO
7 Rules Cyber
Maryam Bechtel
Maryam Bechtel
Chief Information Security Officer
AGL Energy
Alex Nehmy
Alex Nehmy
Field Chief Security Officer, Critical Industries
Japan & Asia Pacific, Palo Alto Networks
Peter Maloney
Peter Maloney
Managing Director & CEO
3:10pm - 3:45pm

Keynote: A year in review: What Australian businesses need to know about the changing cyber security landscape

  • Who are the major threat actors? What are the methods of attack most commonly employed by threat actors to target Australian businesses?
  • Where are Australian businesses most vulnerable? How must they fix them?
  • Are there any tools that have emerged over the last 12 months that IT professionals, cyber security professionals and businesses must be aware of?
  • Have any cyber frameworks proven vulnerable and not strong enough? Are there any frameworks that have overperformed?

Abbas Kudrati
Abbas Kudrati
APAC Chief Cybersecurity Advisor
3:45pm - 3:50pm

MC close

3:50pm - 4:30pm

Networking drinks


Event concludes